Hello there!
I recently had the chance to attend a live nude art session hosted by the Art Society of India, and it was a unique experience to say the least. While I'm no stranger to painting landscapes on location, this was my first time painting a live model. And let me tell you, it was both challenging and thrilling at the same time.
Being surrounded by other artists who shared my enthusiasm for this kind of work made the experience even better. I must admit that painting a living, breathing human being was much different from painting still objects, and it definitely took some time for me to adjust. But once I got the hang of it, it was a lot of fun.
I wanted to share some of my drawings with all of you. Take a look:

I also have a group photo of us artists with the model:
I have been enjoying figure drawing and I plan on attending more sessions like this and sharing my journey with you all.
Happy creating.