After my last post, my friend encouraged me to express myself by making a small film. “Sit with it” is about creating a balance between gratitude and feeling pain. I hope you all enjoy this and find the strength to sit with difficult emotions.
Voiceover in the video:
Sometimes, they say you should be thankful for what you've got. It's everywhere, this advice. People tell you, "Hey, be grateful!" They even teach it in psychology - keep a gratitude journal, write down the good stuff.
Sounds great, right? But here's the twist. Sometimes, this whole gratitude thing can turn into something toxic. It starts to feel like you're not allowed to be sad or angry or hurt anymore. Like you have to pretend everything is sunshine and rainbows.
But what if I want to look at the dark side too? Not because I'm helpless, but because I want to sit with it. I want to face all the shadows inside me, all the pain I've been through. I want to say, "Hey, I see you."
And some days I laugh my heart out genuinely feeling joy. But you know what? One day, all those memories come rushing back, and it's like a storm inside my head.
People say that we shouldn’t dwell into the past and ruminate. But, sometimes , I wonder if I've just gotten used to the pain. Maybe, without it, I'd feel empty. So, I sit with my pain because it makes me feel alive. It’s not about loving the darkness, it’s more about acknowledging it. And yes, gratitude is cool, but so is accepting the pain as a part of who I am.

Happy Creating.